Cohen & Slamowitz Export Service

Bulk Scan Filed Affidavits

1. Go to PM Bulk -> Cohen_Slamowitz -> Bulk Scan Filed Affidavits

2. Enter filing date of affidavits about to be scanned into dialog box. Then press ok.

3. After scanning completes if any documents can't be recognized manually assign job #, Type and filing date.

Export Affidavits

1. Go to PM Bulk -> Cohen_Slamowitz -> Export Affidavits

(This process may take a few minutes to run depending on how many affidavits your exporting.)

Generate Invoices

1. Go to PM Bulk -> Cohen_Slamowitz -> Generate Invoice

2. Enter filing date of affidavits about to be billed into the dialog box. Then press ok

3. Click continue twice if all the numbers match up.

4. A list of courts and countys will be displayed. Click through each row until all invoices have been generated.

Printing Individual Invoices

1. Goto any invoice for Cohen. (It doesn't matter which one we just want to get to the invoice layout)

2. Enter find mode (Click on the Find icon.)

3. Enter todays date into the Date Billed and then your Cohen attorney ID into the attorney ID field. Then press enter.

4. Click the Print Cohen Invoices Button.