Settings -> Misc
Mobile Downloads
- Don't overwrite job if date served entered already - After downloading jobs submitted from your servers phones ProcessMaster can check to see if someone in your office already entered service information. If this box is checked ProcessMaster will not overwrite the original jobs service details with what was download from the servers phone.
- Change text to uppercase on imported mobile phone data - If this box is checked ProcessMaster will convert all text of downloaded mobile phone records to uppercase.
Copy To All (Include)
- Server - Include the servers name when you use the Copy To All - Selected button on the OneView screen.
- Affidavit Name - Include the affidavit type when you use the Copy To All - Selected button on the OneView screen.
- Disable Status Sync - ProcessMaster automatically syncs data from your system up to your client portal. If this box is checked ProcessMaster won't upload anything you enter as attempts or status notes.
- Disable Attachment Sync - ProcessMaster automatically syncs data from your system up to your client portal. If this box is checked ProcessMaster won't upload any attachments.
- Don't add note when printing documents - If this box is checked ProcessMaster will not automatically add a status note when you print anything.
- Don't add note when printing affidavit - If this box is checked ProcessMaster will not automatically add a status note when you print an affidavit.
- Hide Envelope Job # - If checked this will cause the job number to not appear on any printed envelopes.
Independent Server (NYC Users)
- Enable age gap for downloaded IPS jobs -